Hei på dere😃🎅🏻 Jeg er kjempefornøyd. Jeg var ikke så stor, men har gått ned 30 kg. Livet har blitt nytt. Alle tilleggs problemene jeg hadde er borte, så tusen takk for det dere har gjort for meg. Til info så har jeg holdt meg stabil på ca 47 kg hele det siste året.
31-year-old Kirsty decided to seek help and go through weight loss surgery due to infertility problems arising from being overweight, her body mass index before surgery was 44.5 kg/m2.
Les hele historienA body mass index above 40 kg / m2 indicates obesity, which is a health hazard. The most well-known health problems caused by obesity are type II diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis, post-myocardial infarction, PCOS and female infertility.
Kirsty opted for gastric sleeve surgery that took place in February 2020. In one year, she has lost 33 kg or 1/3 of her weight. Her initial weight was 100 kg and height 150 cm. Her body mass index has decreased from 44.4 to 30, which should significantly increase her chances of getting pregnant naturally, as well as the percentage of successful fertility treatment, should she need it. Before planning to become pregnant, it is advisable to wait until your body weight has stabilised, which usually happens between 12 and 18 months.
More about gastric sleeve surgery
Although the primary recommendation for people with body mass index over 40 is gastric bypass surgery, which allows for greater and more permanent weight loss in the case of a higher body mass index, the advantage of gastric sleeve surgery is the fact that food’s pathway through the gastrointestinal tract does not change and most of the necessary vitamins and minerals are absorbed from the daily diet even after the operation. Therefore, gastric sleeve surgery is a good choice for a young woman who is planning pregnancy in the future. There is certainly less anaemia and hypovitaminosis after gastric sleeve surgery (also during pregnancy), while long-term weight loss is somewhat less with gastric sleeve than with bypass surgery, especially with a higher body mass index (BMI over 40 kg / m2).
NB! However, vitamin replacement therapy is recommended after all bariatric surgeries.
During gastric sleeve surgery the volume of the stomach is reduced approximately 10 times (150 ml remains instead of 1500 ml). Food’s pathway in the gastrointestinal tract does not change. As a result of the operation, the amount of food consumed and the feeling of hunger are reduced, as the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone ghrelin has been removed.
If you have a certain plan to become pregnant after weight loss surgery, the choice of the type of surgery must be decided in cooperation with the surgeon. The choice depends on how much weight needs to be lost as well as on your comorbidities.
Pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery compared to bypass surgeries.
Gastric sleeve surgery is suitable for patients:
My experience was very positive, I really liked that Merle picked us up at the airport.
And that if we had any questions we could always send a mail.
There was only one thing, that made the whole hospital experience a bit difficult, and that was communication with the hospital staff. But everything went well anyway.
All in all I had a great experience, you were all very nice and I felt in safe hands.
Den beste avgjørelsen jeg har tatt for meg selv. Jeg var ikke stor nok til å få dette dekket her hjemme Ca 97kg på operasjonsdagen, men jeg hadde en BMI på over 30, dette ble en livstilendring for meg, jeg ville unngå sykdommer som følge av overvekt. Jeg kan spise stort sett det jeg vil, men alt begrenser seg.
Les hele historienDa jeg googlet rundt og fant Bariatric Services i Tallinn, var jeg både spent og ivrig etter å få dekt gjort. Da jeg hadde bestemt meg, fikk jeg innvilget tid etter 3 uker fra de godkjente meg. Dr.Kaur og teamet gjorde opplevelsen og oppholdet så bra som mulig. Jeg fikk også ha med meg en på rom i de dagene jeg var på sykehuset, det kostet ekstra men absolutt verd pengene.
Jeg var ikke redd en eneste gang for at dette ikke skulle gå bra, hadde full tillit til alle involverte på sykehuset, hele teamet var fantastisk og sosiale og hyggelige og prate med. Men det var absolutt godt å ha med seg en som passet ekstra på meg. Jeg har tatt av 24 kg og går stadig ned. Kort fortalt, supert opplegg fra begynnelse til slutt. Sitter faktisk og tenker på hvor smidig dette gikk selv under en pandemiåret 2020. Lykke til.
My journey as a bariatric patient has been nothing else than a story of glory. I started out with Vibeke Bryhn in late july and ended up done with my operation in the middle of october. Time flies!
When I landed in Tallinn and met up with Merle, I was convinced I was about to perform the biggest mistake of my life.
As we sat in the car, no one spoke a word and my doubt grew bigger as we entered the small town where the hospital is located. The hospital looked to me from the outside as any other office building and I was not impressed, and it continued as we went into the building and I got my room. That night I called my fiance, complaining and crying, begging him to order me a ticket home; this was wrong for me, the place looked nothing like I had imagined and I was afraid I would wake up missing one of my kidneys. He convinced me to relax, take the night to sleep and talk to the staff in the morning. I got up really early, just to be able to walk around in the building before anyone entered. I didn’t get much sleep that night thinking about how I was supposed to explain to the surgeon that I wasnt ready after all, surely I would be a disappointment, or at least I felt that way. But the morning came, I put on the robe and opened my door out to the hallway. I was baffled. Everything looked completely different. The lights were now on, and I could enjoy the lovely green area in the middle, a waterfall and several lovely flowers. I calmed down. I was suddenly sure this was the right decision for me and my family.
Ilmar came by and we had a chat. I got all the tests needed and was ready for surgery.
At the operation day I weighed 25kg. Now I weigh 85kg. I have a new life. This winter I was out playing in the snow with my two children for the very first time in 8 years. I made a snowman in a skiisuit that actually fitted me! I can buy clothes without being worried if they have my size or not. My fiance looks at me with a new glimpse in his eyes. I am able to run! My knee is all okay – which was one of the reasons i got the operation in the first place. I am stunned with my new life. I don’t have any problems with food, I of course eat much smaller amount, and much more meals during the whole day, but I now make good choices when it comes to food. I usually prep a saladbowl and this I would eat from in 3 whole days.
All in all I would like to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me this new opportunity to live again. Im a great and active mom for my 2 children and they are super happy!
Jeg var 90 kilo, da jeg ble sleive operert hos dere. I dag er jeg 59 kilo, og bør ikke bli lettere. Er egentlig på grensen til å bli undervektig.
Jeg har tatt blodprøver hos lege vær 3 måned og har klart å holde alle vitaminer på et akseptabelt nivå. Jeg tar tilskudd av vitaminer enda.
Jeg har slitet med at jeg kan bli utmattet ved at jeg ikke har klart å få i meg nok mat. Må spise veldig ofte og lite. Å gå ned i vekt har gått utmerket, men det å holde vekten er mere problematisk. Jeg har måttet spise en del usunne mat retter for å klare å få i meg nok kalorier. Dette er ikke så heldig, men jobber med saken for å få bedre rutiner på dette.
Jeg går alltid tur, nesten vær eneste dag. Jeg trimmer også, ved å gjøre yoga og strekk øvelser.
Det er utrulig deilig å ha blitt lettere i kroppen. Jeg slet med mye vann og smerter i kroppen før vektreduksjon. Etter vektreduksjon er dagene med smerter blitt utrulig mye bedre. Så jeg angrer ikke på operasjonen og at jeg fikk gjort det hos dere. Jeg synes at dere behandlet meg utrulig fint og jeg følte at jeg var i trygge hender. Så tusen takk for det.
I was going to start the action right away when I got the idea to have weight loss surgery in Sept/Oct 2018 but I am incredibly glad that I didn’t because my mental side was not ready for the surgery then. Instead, I decided to start from my head and I am so grateful to have done so. I think this is my biggest aid in this process besides the operation itself.
Les hele historienI had the mini bypass surgery in August 2019. My best friend who was in her last semester in nursing came with me and this was a really big support for me. The staff at the hospital were all great. They was carefully watching that I was drinking enough and moving, because it was very difficult the first few days. I recovered pretty quickly after the surgery. Already a week after surgery I took a short walk every day. Over time, the walks began to get longer and then in mid-September I started the gym.
Today I attend the gym 4-6 times a week. Usually I do a lot of lifting and little cardio, some day only good cardio or go out jogging (5-6 km). It’s awesome to be able to jog 5-6 km as before it was difficult to walk 2 km.
I find that I get heavier in my mood when I can’t move for a few days but fortunately it doesn’t happen often.
Today, I don’t see food as a consolation or a reward. I primarily think of food as nutrition for my body. I’m not saying I’m perfect with the diet but it’s like 98-99% okay. I allow myself to eat unhealthy food or candy but I don’t do it all day or always like I did before. You have to think that it’s okay to allow it to yourself but only as long as you have control over it in your head. Example: although I let myself to eat chocolate I don’t I don’t blame myself or get depressed. Just I will drink protein shake or eat good, nutritious food for the next meal.
Thank you so much.
I have a new life and it is 150% better than the old one!
Jeg kom til Tallinn som 135kg og tenkte med en gang når jeg kom ned, «hva er det jeg gjør?» Men den velkomsten og servicen er helt kanon og veldig bra gjennomgang av hva som skulle skje før, under og etter operasjonen. Jeg tok sleeve. Nå har det gått 6mnd og nå er jeg 45kg lettere, livet er så mye lettere enn før. Jobben min er blitt mye lettere, fotball har jeg startet på. Så her er det bare å gunne på.
I had my surgery on the 22/05/19 and it went very well. I watch what I eat, the thing I find the harderst is trying to eat slowly. I have always rushed my food and I also like to have liquid with my meals, so I try to monitor this. I have had no problems with my stomack. I take the multivitamins, calcium and vitamin D. I had my bloods done reacently and they were perfect. My BMI has gone from 35 to 26. I have lost 4st 3lbs in 6 month.
Les hele historienI currently exercise 4-5 times a week for a least an hour and I enjoy it as it is far easier to exercise when you are a few stone lighter.
I could not be happier as I have always exercised and struggled with my weight. Now I exercise and I have results as I eat less. I think years of diets messed with my metabolism and the gastric sleeve was my only realistic hope of getting my weight under control. I was constantly hungry prior to my surgery.
Thank you Dr Kaur, Merle and all of your team for your top class treatment, care and professionalism from start and all the follow up emails. It has been a very positive and life changing experience.
I cannot thank Baristric services enough for their professionalism throughout my experience. With a special thank you to Dr Kaur for my amazing transformation and also a mention for Georgina Yates who has supported me from day one.
Les hele historienI had a gastric band fitted in 2009. I had to have it removed last year and decided, with advice to go for the bypass. I have not regretted my decision at all. From 138kg originally, to 102kg in June 2019 to 79kg now. I am truly grateful to you all. Thank you!
Now 13 months have passed from my surgery and I feel very good. My weight has stabilized from the beginning where I was dropping too fast and my skin was all saggy and I got a little bit scared about when this fast weight loss was going to stop.
Les hele historienThe first months were extremely difficult. I can´t think of a way to be able to explain to another person what they get themselves into. I threw up several times a day, counted hours to eat, the portion measurements were hell and I couldn´t drink water. I threw up even the vitamins. All I thought and did was measure food/time the meals.
But finally after three-four months everything started to normalize. I stopped dropping that much in weight, could eat bigger portions (within the recommended doses) and started to lead a normal life.
Still difficult with meals in restaurants, on board and in my travels (remember I work at an airline)? I spill a lot of food. In Stockholm I always ask for take away but outside Stockholm I cannot take away back to the hotel most of the time. I throw away so much food it hurts sometimes.Restaurants are not willing to cooperate and make half portions even though I got a card stating I had gone through a bariatric surgery.
I thought I wouldn´t be able to drink as much wine as I did before but I can. Unfortunately :-/ That hinders me from losing more weight.
I still get dizzy sometimes when eating and I can´t eat much hard food. Still today it hurts in my stomach when I eat meat or thick pieces of fish and poultry.
I get a lot of heartburn and very often it feels like someone opened up a bottle of sparkling water in my oesophagus. You can literally hear the bubbles coming up.
Even though all these “negative” inputs, I am so eternally happy to have gone through this procedure. It is a life changing decision that takes energy but gives back so much. I am in a size 38-40 which is perfect for me. I don´t weight myself. It´s not important.
Since I came back from Tallinn, three weeks later, I started to cook food “from scratch” and still do it to the day. Only canned thing I buy is tuna. Nothing else. Another benefit of seeing this procedure as a long term health change in my life.
I would say; if you are committed to your health and holding a healthy weight and lifestyle, I would recommend anyone and everyone to invest their money and time and change once and for all and for good!
When it comes to your services. Unbeatable. Super professional, very thorough explanation and information, you were quick to answer all of my questions and doubts, very clean and hygienic clinic, I was taken care of 24/7 with very nice and kind personnel as I was there alone. Not for one moment I changed my mind or felt unsafe. Would recommend it to anyone, no doubt.
I´ve been doing fantastic and I´m still amazed how well everything is going. I don´t mean the weight drop (which is great !) but more the whole procedure. I have not had any problems, I don´t feel any pain and I seems to tolerate all food. Of course I can feel the difference between the things I eat, f.ex. ground beef isn´t so nice anymore but regular beef is fine. And I´ve gotten used to eat more slowly because otherwise I can feel that in my stomach (which is actually the best helping tool of all).
Les hele historienI´ve been doing good and have lost ca. 34 kg. since the pre-op diet (I just say from august last year 🙂 Most of all I´ve lost around 25 cm from my waist and all together (f.x. upper arms, breast and so on) around 100 cm. I find the difference around my waist to be the absolute best, everything is easier 🙂 The only thing that I find frustrating (just a little) is that the clothes I bought last November are getting to big, haha.
So over all I am a very happy girl and having the surgery was the best decision of my life. I found great comfort in travelling with a group and having access to Berglind. Upon arriving at your hospital I found everything to be very professional and all the staff was very helpful and patient. It was comforting to meet and talk to Dr. Ilmar as he explained and went through the surgery very thoroughly.
Now I just have to keep up the good work!
I am doing great , I am really happy with my weight loss and I am so happy with how I look , at 9 stone 4lbs now. I do feel really great and it is the best decision I have ever made. I would highly recommend the procedure to anyone asking and would send them in your direction. The standard of care was just amazing and all my questions answered. So again thanks to all the team for helping me through the journey.
I have dropped 18 kiloes, and my bmi says 21,4. Im 153 cm and my weight is 50 kiloes. My blood results are okey. My selfesteem has raised, and Im feeling more comfortable with who I am. I’m a bit cold all the time, cause I dont have the fat to keep me warm, but that is ok. I still want to loose 5 kiloes. IT is so fun to go on the mountain and go to the pool. I need to start working out in a training center. The only thing I hate is that my butt is flat, and I need to do some squats to make it look more bumpy. The surgery might be the best thing I have ever done to myself
My experience with Bariatric Services are very good this is new live for me. I give Bariatric Services my best recommendation for everything. Iam using Fit for Me vitamins. I train crossfit 3 times a week and go to the swimming pool 2 – 3 times a week. I am planing to run 10 km in Reykjavik marathon next august.
Having the operation, I the best decision I have made. I had a Gastric Sleeve with Dr. Ilmar Kaur in May and had been considering having a stomach operation for many years. The reason I chose Estonia was that I could be accompanied by a translator who had had the operation in Estonia. I have lost 51.3 kg since I applied for the operation with Dr. Ilmar Kaur, at that time I weighed 150,8 kg and managed to go down to 145 kg on the pre-up diet, three weeks before operation day, 16. May 2018 and today, January 15 2019, I’m 99.5 kilos I feel much better today, I have started to swim in the sea, go out for walks and to the gym and I love it. I have always been overweight, I have managed to lose weight but have always gained it again. I am not going to do gain the weight again. I also feel much better mentally after the operation. I know that I am not finished with this project, this is something I will have to work with for the rest of my life. I recommend Dr. Ilmar Kaur and his people a 100%.
Well my experience with Bariatic Services is very good. I got a very good service from day one and I can give your company top score. Your city and your country is very beautiful too. All service during my hospital stay and until now has been great. It’s good to know you care about your patients 🙂 gives my a secure feeling
I feel very good and it is very good to feel better about yourself and self-image is stronger. Nice to go shopping for clothes and ask for size S or M instead of XL and trousers 30″/31″ instead of 36″/38″ . Well I don’t spend much time visiting restaurants 🙂 🙂 Was it right for me to take this big step i n my life. I say YES
So, now 6 month after surgery, I weight 13 stone (82.5kg). My BMI is 27.7. I have lost 5 stone 6 pounds (34kg). I feel healthier, I have more energy, I can run up 3 flights of stairs without getting out of breath! I suffer from less chest infections, coughs and colds since the surgery. I can buy nice clothes. I eat out regularly, but only eat salads and soups. I lost some hair after the surgery, my hair felt thinner, but after 6 months it has started to grow back. I take my supplements every day and I have had my blood checked, my vitamin and mineral levels are good.
When I decided to go for surgery I had read up on the subject, I went in knowing everything there was to know, or so I thought. The process is hard, you will struggle and it will be painful. But thanks to the excellent care I recived from bariatric services I got my bearings. I have struggled after surgery and the cravings have been there but having the support from Tallinn has been helpful. I got good advice on eating and a thorough instructions on what to expect after surgery. My life is really different from what it was before, I have taken up walking and am focusing on health, instead of weight. The weight will come off but the body I want afterwards is going to take some hard work. Life is not about food anymore, its about living in the moment and enjoying life in a totally different way than before.
After years of yo-yo and fad dieting, I decided I needed to do something serious about my weight. My health both physically and mentally was being affected by my obesity. I began to research bariatric surgery as an option and came across www.bariatricservices.eu I was hesitant at first about going abroad for surgery as you hear about a lot of horror stories! however, from my first contact with the surgery coordinator Merle I was instantly put at ease, her professionalism, efficiency and understanding of my needs and fears was second to none, she explained everything about the mini gastric bypass and completely reassured me.
Les hele historienThe hospital was 5 star and the staff treated me with dignity and excellent care. DR Ilmar Kaur is nothing short of an angel, I am forever thankful for him and his gifted hands for changing my life for the better, I have so much more energy and confidence now and hope to continue to have into the future< I would highly recommend Dr Kaur and his team for anyone considering weight loss surgery.
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