Time sure flies, and nearly 6 months passed yes. I want to start with saying I really appreciated all the service I got during my visit. including being able to bring my friend as support.
From start when we got picked up by you at the airport.
Im still trying to get used to what, when, and how much I can eat, some days are worse and some better.
Lue koko tarinaI do have dumping problems at least twice a week but being still and rest helps most of the time and it passes quickly. Ive lost 37 kg since I got home. It sure is a lot, according to others anyway, cos I cant really see it myself. Its like my brain cant comprehend how much my body actually changed. I hope that will change over time. I certainly dont regret this surgery in any way.
Kysy lääkäriltä, sopiiko lihavuusleikkaus Sinulle