Bariatric Servises vastasi kyselyyni todella nopeasti ( muutamat eivät vastanneet lainkaan!). Koska operaatio Tallinnassa tuntui olevan Ok, pyysin kuitenkin tapaamista tri Kaurin kanssa ennen lopullista päätöstä. Hän kertoi suomeksi kaiken tarpeellisen informaation lihavuusleikkausesta ja sen jälkeisestä ajasta sekä omasta osuudestani leikkauksen onnistumiseen ja pysyvään painon pudotukseen. Tapasin myös suomalaisen henkilön samalla käynnillä, ja hän oli myös erittäin tyytyväinen lopputukseensa. Tämä vahvisti myös omaa uskoani onnistuneesta lopputuksesta omalta osaltani.
Lue koko tarinaLuvatut kuljetukset toimivat myös esimerkillisen täsmällisesti. Leikkauspäivänä tapasin osastolla myös Englannista tuleen henkilön. Oli kiva tutustua häneen. Henkilökunta puhui suomea, välillä englantia sekä venäjää. Hyvin tultiin toimeen.
Leikkaussali oli mielestäni moderni. Sappikivileikkaukseni perusteella arvion henkilökuntaa erittäin ammattitaitoiseksi. Sappikivileikkaus oli Suomessa.
Jokin pieni komplikaatio oli. Tulehdusarvot nousivat hiukan leikkauksen jälkeen, mutta palautuivat antibiootin jälkeen normaaliksi hyvin pian. Paranemista seurattiin hyvin aktiivisesti osastolla niin hoitajien kuin lääkäreiden toimesta.
Mielestäni toivuin tri Kaurin ennakkoon kertomalla tavalla. Ravitsemusterapeutti kertoi uusista ruokailutottumuksista, vitamiinitarpeen tyydyttämisestä jne. Lisäksi sain hyvät ohjeet mahdollisten poikkeamien varalle. Ohjeet leikkauksen jälkeisestä ajasta ovat myös hyviä.
Bariatric Services palveluissa on hinta/laatusuhde kohdallaan.
Tosi hienolta tuntui, kun ottivat yhteyttä aktiivisesti sairaalasta ennen leikkausta ja leikkauksen jälkeen. Hieno lupaus on myös se, jos on jotakin ongelmia tai muuta kysyttävää, voin aina soittaa tai lähettää sähköpostia heille. Antaa turvallisuuden tunnetta, kun tietää, että minusta välitetään.
Jos Sinulla on lihavuuden kanssa vähäisiä tai suurempia ongelmia, ole yhteydessä tähän organisaatioon. Suosittelen todella lämpimästi ja uskon, että suomalaiset leikatut ystäväni ja englantilainenkin ovat samaa mieltä.
Hei, olen 52v yrittäjänainen Tampereelta. Olin lihavuusleikkauksessa 11/2014. Pääsin leikkaukseen tosi nopeasti itse valitsemanani ajankohtana. Kaikki yhteydenpito sairaalaan käytiin puhelimitse ja s-postilla. Asiointi oli tosi helppoa ja vaivatonta. Sairaalaan tulo oli aamulla ja minut noudettiin satamasta sairaalaan. Kaikki tarvittavat kokeet otettiin aamulla ja iltapäivällä leikattiin. Leikkaava lääkäri Ilmar Kaur oli todella asiansa osaava ja miellyttävä lääkäri. Hän selvitti kaikki tarvittavat asiat selvällä suomen kielellä.
Lue koko tarinaViivyin sairaalassa kaksi yötä ja sitten palasin kotiin. Kaikki sujui todella hienosti. Sain kotiin kaikki ohjeet suomenkielisenä. Leikkauksen jälkeen vointiani on kysytty ja kaikkiin kysymyksiin vastattu nopeasti, mikä antaa tunteen siitä että minusta huolehditaan edelleen. Kiitos Ilmar Kaur ja Merle ja koko minua hoitanut tiimi. Leikkauksesta on nyt kulunut reilu kuukausi ja painoni on pudonnut 11kg, eikö olekin hienoa.
Kiloja on lähtenyt jo lähes 50kg nyt lasku pysähtynyt 68kg, mitään ongelmia ei ole ollut. Hiukset alkoivat lähteä 4kk jälkeen jolloin suurin kilomäärä lähti melko nopeasti, olen käynyt terveyskeskuksessa verikokeissa kuukauden välein ja vitamiinit ja kivennäisaineet ovat ok vain B12 vitamiini pistoksen otan 3kk välein, vaikka sekin on ok. Kaikin puolin hyvin on laihtuminen mennyt syöminen ja juominen onnistuu eikä suuria muutoksia ole ollut siinä mitä ei voisi syödä tosin paljon pienempinä annoksina.
Lue koko tarinaOlen erittäin kiitollinen että pääsin lihavuusleikkauskeen, ja olen palvelua suositellutkin usealle täällä Suomessa, ilman leikkausta tuskin olisin koskaan esim pystynyt juoksemaan nyt sekin onnistuu 15vuoden jälkeen tai pystynyt ostamaan m-koon vaatteita, olen saanut elämäni takaisin, kiitokset tästä Tri Kaurille.
Laihtunut olen 23 kg alkuperäisestä painosta 119 kg, josta 15 kg lihavuusleikkauksen jälkeen. Painoni on nyt lähellä sitä painoa missä olin ollut pisimpään alkuperäisen lihomisen jälkeen. Olen tosi onnellinen kun vanhat vaatteet mahtuvat päälle ja olo on kevyt ja energinen. Verenpaine lääkkeet olen saanut jättää kokonaan ja painon edelleen pudotessa selkäoireetkin helpottavat ortopedin mukaan, kunhan siihen saadaan lisättyä liikunta.
Lue koko tarina
Sain teiltä hyvän palvelun ja lopputulokseen, olin minä ja minua ennen leikkausta hoitaneet lääkärit tyytyväisiä. Olen rehellisesti kertonut kaikille käynnistäni leikkauksessa, positiivisesta kokemuksestani sekä hyvistä ohjeista, voin suositella. Olit hyvä tukihenkilö Merle! (tietenkin edelleen).
Från första början känner jag stort förtroende för Bariatric Services. Får snabbt svar på alla frågor som dyker upp hela tiden och Merle, som är koordinator svarar på allt. Har blivit väldigt väl omhändertagna både jag och min man! Proffesionellt, duktiga och jättetrevliga, alla som vi mött! Min läkare som heter Ilmar Kaur, är fantastisk! Väldigt noggrann och omhändertagande, man känner sej lugn i hans sällskap!
Lue koko tarinaRekommenderar alla som har behov av dessa operationer att anlita Bariatric Services. Fantastisk service och utmärkt vård.
Tack för allt, Ilmar, Merle och Kaire
Jag heter Liselotte Forsberg och beslutade mig för att göra en Gastric sleeve. Som de flesta andra med viktproblem har jag provat de mesta med olika dieter och Viktväktarna tidigare i mitt liv. Valde mellan Gastric sleeve och Gastric by pass och kom fram till att en sleeve passar mig bäst. Började med att kontakta Bariatric Service på deras hemsida efter att sökt runt på nätet.
Lue koko tarinaFick en snabb kontakt och via mail fick jag svar på alla mina frågor. Kändes väldigt bra. Fick en operationstid och jag och en av mina söner flög till Tallinn. Vi blev hämtade på flygplatsen och skjutsades till hotellet vi skulle bo på första natten. (Ingår i priset)
På operationsdagen blev vi hämtade vid hotellet och åkte till sjukhuset. Min son var med och sov med mig dom 3 nätterna på sjukhuset. Vi hade ett privat rum som var fint. Mot en mindre kostnad fick sonen bo med mig och då ingick alla måltider till han. Det var riktigt bra. Min operation gick bra. Läkare var mycket trevlig och gjorde ett professionellt jobb och övrig personal var duktiga o trevliga. Dom flesta kunde prata bra engelska. Efter 3 nätter på sjukhuset fick vi åka hem. Vi blev skjutsade till flygplatsen och sen var de bara hemresan och hem till mitt nya liv med min minimage. Enda gången min mage säger ifrån är när jag äter och dricker för fort. Så det är mitt eget fel men det får ta sin tid och lära sig vad som funkar. Annars har jag inte haft en enda komplikation. Går sakta ner i vikt hela tiden. Jag rekommenderar er som funderar på operation att åka till Tallinn. All inklusive priset är jättebra o smidigt att allt ingår. Samordnaren som skötte mailkontakt och transporter till o från flygplatsen o sjukhuset/hotellet var mycket trevlig, rar o bra på alla sätt.
I’m lost almost 20 kg’s during this 6 month period, feel much better, energetic since I started to be loosing weight step by step start doing sports and activities.
By now I’m running 5,5-6kms 3-4x per week(I never run before and I’m absolutly obsessed by, almost inconvenience if I miss?? one of my running sessions and totaly reshaped…everybody who’s see me since my operation asking what happend with me I’m looking amazing…And I tell them I feel amazing? myself!
Lue koko tarinaMy weight steadystate around 71kg in the last month did not loosing but I think probably because my body fat/muscle proportion changeing due to the intensive running.
I dropped dress size from UK size 18 to UK size 12-14 so happy….so need to change my whole wardrobe…but don’t mind it is a really one of the best happy changeing.
This is a totaly different lifestyle, needed to change my eating habits, portions and have to change my lifestyle for it but I’m flexible so it does not bother me, I see almost the amazing consequenses, encourage me and just have to listen to my body and tell me what I need and how often and importantly how slowly…this was the biggest change to learn how slowly need to eat and what and how small portion for my comfort feeling. But by now I’m pretty confident with these as well.
So summery I’m so happy and this was my one of the best decision in my life to apply for this operation on your clinic, I can not be greatful enough for your very professional teamwork for this treatment and your kindness.
After several years of considering bariatric surgery and wanting to do it since 2010, I finally found an affordable option with Bariatric Services. I turned 40 in 2016 and did not want to spend another year being overweight, with low self-esteem unable to enjoy my life with my husband and kids.
Initially I was very nervous as I read some horror stories on the internet regarding hospitals offering bariatric surgery that ended up with the patient having terrible complications, but I had a good feeling when I looked at Bariatric Service’s website.
Lue koko tarinaI contacted them and Merle responded. The whole process was very easy from start to finish. Everything was explained to me as to what I needed to do pre-surgery and about the procedure and what to expect.
We scheduled a date for the surgery. I arrived in Tallin on a Monday and Merle collected me from the airport. She was friendly and welcoming. She drove me to a hotel and made sure I got booked in and told me she would be back the next morning to collect me.
The next morning Merle collected me and I arrived at the hospital. Some tests were performed in the morning and I met with Dr. Ilmar Kaur and my surgery took place late afternoon.
The care I received was beyond my expectations. I had my own private room. The hospital was very clean and modern. I was well taken care of and the staff very helpful and friendly.
The first 12 weeks after surgery was probably the hardest, but if you follow the Dr.’s orders you should have no complications.
I reached my personal weight goal at 9 months post-op, but have continued to lose weight. I managed to walk 15km which I never thought possible without any pain to my feet, back and legs.
I gained so much self-esteem that I applied for a job and got it which I also never thought possible as I have not worked for 6 years. I really believe losing the weight assisted in me getting the job. Not only has it improved my self-esteem, but it also has improved my health significantly.
Dr. Kaur and his team has really changed my life and it truly has been a New Begging for me. I could not thank them enough and would highly recommend them.
I just want to let you know that the gastric bypass has changed my life. I’m soooo Happy now. Thanks to you all for the exellent service you provide!
Here’s some before and after pictures
Lue koko tarinaI started to look into bariatric surgery for a while ago until I finally got the courage and went to my local bariatric clinic to the info meetings and even made an the pre-appointment meeting with the surgeons, anesthesiologists, nutritionists, etc that would have been in charged of my surgery. I felt more like a cow in a slaughterhouse than in a clinic and took the decision to do it, so I spoke to my GP and asked me of how much was I going to pay for and he recommended me to look abroad, and I did. After an extensive look all over Europe I decided to go with Bariatric Services in Tallinn Estonia.
Lue koko tarinaMerle (patient coordinator) answered every single email with all my questions that I asked and those where she didn’t have an immediate answer got me back the day after with the answers after consulting with the rest of the bariatric team. When all my questions were answered I made the decision to go with Bariatric Services.
Merle met me at the airport, took me to my hotel and picked me up at the hotel the day after and we went to the hospital where I had my own private room and toilet, wifi, tv, etc; there, I had my tests done by fully capable nurses and met Dr. Ilmar Kaur, my surgeon. We went through the details of the surgery (including the bad and ugly), and I’ve got sleeved that evening. Some part of my decision was that my surgery had to be done at a hospital (North Estonia Medical Centre) in a big city and not a clinic 2 hours away from a city just in case there is an emergency.
The nurses took care of me amazingly. Every time I needed help they were there, and even if their English language is not perfect (like mine) there were never any misunderstandings nor lack of communication, and Dr. Kaur visited me every single day of my stay of four days in Tallinn twice per day to check on me. Also RN Kristel Janvest followed me up with my diet plan and life style change every day as well.
I’m three weeks out of my operation and even though it’s really recent I couldn’t wait to write a review for Bariatric Surgery. Merle is still checking on me and reporting my amazing recovery back to Dr. Kaur and RN Janvest…. And… I’m down on my meds!
I’m really grateful of this whole experience, and so far… one of the best decisions that I’ve taken in my life!
This is opportunity for me to give you some feedback: my experience at your hospital, with all your personnel and wonderful dr Ilmar was excellent. Surgeon Ilmar is very kind, experienced and patient, explained to me everything in detail and I got answers to all my questions. I would definitely recommend Bariatric services to my friends thinking of same kind of surgery I had.
Lue koko tarina
Personnel and organisation including all your help from and to airport is very professionally done and on high level.
you can put my recommendation and opinion about your service which was excellent on your web site, I am ok with that. I would not change anything in your service, everything is well organised, I liked light and tidy hospital with nice and kind personnel around.
After much back and forth, and many thoughts, conversations with doctors, various Hospital I decided a gastric bypass surgery.
Lue koko tarinabut then I have little BMI and no follow ailments, I had to pay it yourself. Then it went a little more time to google hospital utlande offering this operation. And what price ranges they had. After many mail back and forth to different hospitals, the choice fell on my Bariatric Services and I have not regretted
Everything was agreed by mail, and I must admit I had a lot of butterflies in my stomach when I boarded the plane and had thoughts that there are some who meet me at the airport, is this safe, I have taken a wrong choice now, etc .. ..
But when I walked by pla and Tallinn came velkomshallen stood Merle and waited as agreed. Then sank pulse many notches and I felt a bit saves.
After 15 minutes in the car, we came to the hospital. I was very excited about it was clean, and how it looked and how the staff there.
I got a private room in 9 floor, which was clean and quite common as a hospital room in Norway. With television, vindue, bed, nightstand, small bathroom with shower.
After 10 minutes the doctor came in and we talked. He told what would happen that day, and how we went forward. Which samples to be taken, when at the surgery should be done.
The doctor was easy to talk to, and you feel the doctor saw you as a person, not just as something they earned money on.
The nurses were nice and helpful, but some of those were probably a bit unsure when they do not speak good English. But there were no problems, there was someone on each shift as they can get, which can translate.
Operation went as planned and I got talked kostveilder and doctor the day after surgery. And I had it fine afterwards.
I would gladly recommend Bariatric Services without problems, I have felt safe during the entire course. It costs less than many other places. You are safe during the entire course and you get help and advice during the entire course.
Where do you start from when you are trying to explain how did obesity completely destroyed your life? Shortness of breath, depression, low self esteem, antisocial life and the high risk of diabetes type2 and coronary heart disease; are all symptoms every individual obeys person experienced and can blindly understand.
Lue koko tarina
I went through most of these symptoms and I can tell that depression was the worse feeling on this universe. The feeling of neglection, useless and losing your purpose in life is what made me another person. This slowly killed all the joy and happiness in my life and made me look negatively at all the optimistic opportunities.
Until came a moment in my depressing life that opened my eyes forever! I call it the realising moment. In this moment I realised I need help urgently! I can’t watch myself losing all my virtues because of a condition I am able to change. I started an intense research on bariatric surgeries and their procedures and found the bariatric services hospital.
Honestly, it was a huge challenge for me to leave the UK and go for a surgery abroad mainly when it’s my first time visiting Tallinn! But I took the risk for the sake of changing my life. About my experience, I cannot describe in words how awesome are the bariatric services team; starting from dr.Ilmar Kaur the gentleman with an amazing smile and outstanding bariatric qualification he made me so comfortable through explaining me the full procedure and the outcomes in the future. His team of nurses were fantastic, caring and so responsible including Ramazan and the full nursing team. The programme coordinator Merle Saareväli is a wonderful lady who helped me throughout the whole process she was visiting me everyday and providing me with all the help I required. If you are reading this review with a bit of hesitance then you are just wasting time, this team is worth all the effort you would make. I am now 3 weeks after surgery and I feel an enormous difference.
Thank you very much dr. Ilmar Kaur for all this awesome experience and for the instant reply to my enquiries on email.
I have lost 32 kg. It has been easy and with out problems so far. Quite a live changing solution. My docktor checked my blood values a month ago, and the values were normal to very good. I have only minor troubles. I can eat everything, just not so much of it. I dont suffer from astma, pain in knees, breathlesnes, snoring, headaches and feet troubles anymore. My kolestrol and blood pressure is normal and i dont have abnormal heartbeetings anymore either.
Lue koko tarina
I have taken up running, and still bike 18 km daily. This have been a very positive experince, i only should have done it earlier in my life.
I have recomended the hospitals services in the GB network, that i am a part of. And i have nothing unfaverouble to say about the services you and the hospital and doctors provide.
Time sure flies, and nearly 6 months passed yes. I want to start with saying I really appreciated all the service I got during my visit. including being able to bring my friend as support.
From start when we got picked up by you at the airport.
Im still trying to get used to what, when, and how much I can eat, some days are worse and some better.
Lue koko tarinaI do have dumping problems at least twice a week but being still and rest helps most of the time and it passes quickly. Ive lost 37 kg since I got home. It sure is a lot, according to others anyway, cos I cant really see it myself. Its like my brain cant comprehend how much my body actually changed. I hope that will change over time. I certainly dont regret this surgery in any way.
Kysy lääkäriltä, sopiiko lihavuusleikkaus Sinulle