Gastric bypass surgery >> 6650EUR 
Gastric sleeve surgery >> 6650EUR 
Mini-Bypass surgery >> 6650EUR 
Sleeve-Bypass (SASI) surgery >> 7150EUR 
Gastric Bypass revision >> 6650EUR 
Revision operations >> 7150EUR 
Private room/companion stay 450EUR


What is included in the price?

Transport and accomodation

  • All necessary transfers in Tallinn and 24/7 h assistance;
  • 1 night accommodation in a hotel or hospital if you arrive the day before the surgery;
  • Hospital stay  – 1 bed in 2 bed room (private room/companion for extra price)

Pre-surgery tests and consultations

  • Consultation with surgeon in the hospital before surgery;
  • Necessary blood tests (always);
  • Gastroscopy in anesthesia (always);
  • ECG when indicated;
  • Abdominal/chest x-ray when indicated;
  • Abdominal ultrasound when indicated;

Surgery and entire hospital care

  • Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve surgery or Laparoscopic revision surgery;
  • All necessary medication in hospital (including anesthesia during surgery and gastroscopy);
  • Nutrition during stay;
  • Doctor and nurses visits
  • Nutrition counseling held by bariatric nurse or nutritionist

Price includes also

  • Nutritional consultations if needed by phone, e-mail or skype (since 2 years after surgery);
  • All necessary documentation and agreements in English;
  • Information package for life after surgery in English;
  • Discharge letter in English, prescriptions at discharge;
  • 2 year follow up;

Insurance against unexpected costs

  • Any unexpected treatment costs in the hospital will not incur additional costs for the patient. In case of unexpected longer stay in hospital, patient don’t have any extra costs. If you can’t leave with the planned flight Bariatric Services will buy new flight ticket back to home. The probability that you can’t leave with planned flight is 1/100.

Complication Management

  • Early complications management. Bariatric Services AS takes full responsibility for the treatment of all complications that occur during primary hospitalization and within 30 postoperative days regardless if hospital or surgeon is responsible for complication or not. Any expenses incurred are paid by Bariatric Services AS. As prerequisite the treatment must be carried out at Bariatric Services AS hospital.
  • Late complications management. Bariatric Services also takes responsibility for additional medical measures (including surgical treatment) that are necessary in situations where post-operative health status significantly impairs the quality of life of the patient, except for lower weight loss than expected, weight gain or problems caused by excess skin. As prerequisite the treatment must be carried out at Bariatric Services AS hospital.

What are excluded:

  • Flight tickets to Tallinn and back to home (airport code is TLL)
  • Medications that is prescribed for using at home
  • Travel costs in case of treatment of later complications
  • Companion stay or flight tickets when patient have to stay in hospital longer than expected

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