Bariatric Services is the only medical institution in Estonia specialized solely in bariatric surgery and related nutritional counseling. Specializing in a single area has enabled us to provide safe, effective, and high-quality treatment. Our goal is to enable the people we treat to live healthier and a better quality of lives.

Our hospital has been operating since 2011 and has grown into the largest bariatric surgery center in Estonia performing more than half of all bariatric operations in the country. Likewise, we are also among the 2 largest centers in Scandinavia. At the same time, our center is small enough in terms of facilities and staff, so that it is possible to create and maintain a homely, safe atmosphere.

The reliability and high quality of our services are evidenced by the fact that around two thirds of our patients come from countries where expectations regarding the quality of healthcare services are very high, such as Finland, Norway, Sweden, the UK, and Iceland.

Surgeries are performed either by Doctor Ilmar Kaur or Doctor Jaan Kirss. 


Dr. Ilmar Kaur is the leading bariatric surgeon in Estonia. Doctor Kaur has the most prominent and the longest experience in the field of bariatric surgery in Estonia. Moreover, he is the president of Estonian Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and accredits other bariatric surgeons in Estonia. Dr. Ilmar Kaur performs around 500 weight loss surgeries a year. His gifted hands and golden heart are equally valued by his patients. Doctor Kaur has been awarded with the Estonian Doctor of The Year prize on 2012.

Dr. Jaan Kirss joined the Bariatric Services team at the beginning of 2022 and performs here bariatric surgeries. Before joining the Bariatric Services team, Jaan Kirss studied and worked for a long time in Finland.
According to Dr. Jaan Kirs, the work culture of the Bariatric Services clinic is very Scandinavian. In his opinion, the Estonian medical system has a slightly more personal approach than the Finnish one. Estonian patients sometimes choose a doctor for themselves without seeing the team behind them. Good care is still guaranteed by a well-functioning team, Kirss assures.

Our Team

Our medical team is highly experienced and improves its skills continuously in order to provide top-quality medical service for our patients. Excellent training and extensive experience has brought the occurrence of complications to a minimum.

A well-performed operation is essential for the success of the treatment and the patient’s satisfaction. However, this alone does not solve the whole problem related to overweight and its occurrence. The key to permanent weight loss are the changes in the patient’s nutrition, thinking and exercise habits, i.e.changing the lifestyle as a whole. For this, we are able to offer support from our side in the form of nutritional advice.

Meet the team

Our Team

Our hospital

Bariatric Services performs operations in the premises of the largest private hospital in Estonia- “Fertilitas”, where we have our own operating room, wake-up room, patient wards and doctor’s offices.

At the end of 2021, major renovations were completed, during which 4 completely new operating rooms were built. In addition, all other hospital facilities were renovated, including patients’ wards

Medicine in Estonia


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